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Getting Started


A Turbo game typically has 3 main parts, each controlled by a macro:

  1. Configuration - turbo::cfg!
  2. Initialization - turbo::init!
  3. Execution - turbo::go!

All are optional except for turbo::go!, but most games will at least want to include game state initialization via turbo::init! as well.


Use the turbo::cfg! macro to define your game's metadata and configure settings in TOML format:

turbo::cfg! {r#"
name = "Game name"
version = "1.0.0"
author = "game author"
description = "Game description"
resolution = [256, 144]
http-rpc-url = ""
ws-rpc-url = "ws://"

The Solana configuration is required for those who want to interact with Solana in their games. Otherwise, the remaining config fields are optional.


Turbo provides a straightforward way to initialize the standard game state using the turbo::init! macro. This macro is essential for defining and setting up the game state before entering the main game loop:

turbo::init! {
// Define the GameState struct.
struct GameState {
screen: enum Screen {
x_position: i32,
y_position: i32,
} = {
// Set the struct's initial value.
Self {
screen: Screen::Title,
x_position: 30,
y_position: 40,
  • For convenience, turbo::init! allows nested struct and enum definitions via the structstruck crate.
  • turbo::init will derive the following traits for type each defined in the macro: BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, PartialEq, Debug, and Clone.
  • In development, you can reset the state of the game to its initial state anytime by using a simple keyboard shortcut Cmd+R on MacOS/Linux and Ctrl+R on Windows.


Turbo games run at 60 fps and the typical game loop should typically follow this pattern:

turbo::go! {
// 1. Load State
// This hydrates state from the previous loop.
// The initial state's initial value will load on the first loop.
let mut state = GameState::load();

// 2. Update State
// Your game's logic goes here. Mutate state as-needed.

// 3. Save State
// The final thing you should do in your game loop is save your game state.
// This serializes state and persists it in memory so it doesn't get lost while hot-reloading;

If you're building something more along the lines of a visualizer, your game may not have its own state to manage. In this case, all you need is the game logic. You can skip turbo::init! (and loading/saving game state).